Portable Borehole Logging ( logger)[17 Feb. 2010, 2:00:58]
PORTABLE BOREHOLE LOGGING, 300m & 600m Depth Capacity System
GE9409 Combination Gamma, 16â ( 40cm.) Normal Resistivity, 64 inch Normal Resistivity S.P. and Single Point Resistance ( SPR) .
LNA9506 Long Normal Assembly optionally adds a 64â Long Normal Resistivity to the GE 9409 described above.
CA9411 Three armed linear borehole caliper tool.
FT9504 Combination Fluid Temperature and Fluid Conductivity Tool.
GT9502 Natural Gamma Tool
FM9412 Impeller borehole flowmeter tool.
FG0802 Filtered Gamma Tool for assay of U above .5% .
FG BIC-01 Induction Conductivity
IFG BMD-01 Micro Density
IFG BMS-01 Magnetic Susceptibility
BSG01 256 Channel Spectral Gamma
BSG02 512 Channel Spectral Gamma
IFG BVM01 Deviation/ Verticality
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